Friday, July 6, 2012

Forget -Me –Not

Forget -Me –Not  Kind of Art

I was asked many, many, times by my students : What do you need  in a successful painting ?

 Will it be that  a good sense of humor , some crude and raw feelings not very well masked into beautiful shapes and colors, or what about some soft edges or maybe unusual textures covering political issues ? What about an enchanting color palette , that can be properly messed up ? Painting classical in a humorous way, or go with stick people on social issues?

Well, too much beauty will bore us , the same as to much ugliness , and beware of the perfect balance too , I am always answering.

A bit of craziness, some serious thoughts, and of course don't forget your personal touch: it can be the softness of paint  application, or on the contrary a rough textured surface, calligraphy, a sense of depth and tri dimensionality , the scale, or maybe the lack of it. Paint on the back of the stretched canvas, or wrap a watercolor  on a stretcher, cover it in wax, or maybe hung the papers like clothes on a line , go with something that speaks to you. Paint something that is uniquely you, be memorable.

Yes, we are, much more than we think we are, a complex organism capable of amazing inventiveness, we can say many things at once or concentrate  on one idea,  and be concis .

And most importantly I am adding, let's not be shy, scared, inhibited ,let's  not have an inferiority complex, let's not be too harsh on ourselves, let go, fly, fall, free!!

We are the envy of the 99.99% - we , the artists!

 Leave the modesty at the back door, please!!!

For years and years , when people were asking   what do  I do , I was answering " A Painter!" , " Ah, you paint houses ?," they will ask.  “No,  not that kind, the fine art more like painting”, " Oh, an Artist!!!" ,  " Yes, That kind. I guess ! "

Shy no more, care no more, just be ! No shame! Self -esteem is for sissies ,anyway, somebody said !!
                              "Kaleidoscopic Days" 2011 Acrylic on Canvas by Bianka Guna 36"x36"

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